Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Challenge and series

The challenge series is a 4 book set, that tells the stories of the Philips and Jenson families, particularly Hope Philips and David Jenson. It is a series that focuses on betrothal and marriage, and the amazing commitments that the people in the series make. It is I think written mainly for ages 14 or 15+, but I read them (I'm 13) and I understood them easily. They are just not good for kids probably younger then 12 or maybe 13 depending on the understanding abilities of the person. Also, since they focus on engagement and marriage, they are not very good for a younger person. Anyway, the titles are (in order): The Challenge, The Choice, The Question, and The Concept. The Challenge focuses on David and Hope, The Choice focuses on Hope's sister Shelley, The Question focuses on basically all the characters' trials and tragedies in their lives, and the Concept is pretty unique, in the fact that half is the regular story of the Philips and Jenson families, and the other half is the story of the author. Speaking of the author, it is written by Carolyn. You are probably wondering "what is her last name" and she actually doesn't specify it, for 'fame' purposes. She  just didn't want a bunch of popularity and stuff. She explains it in one of the 'letter to readers' in the front of the books (I think it is the first one where she explains why she doesn't list her last name). The Challenge has 20 long (I mean longer then the rest of the books' chapters) chapters and 337 pages, The Choice has 33 chapters and 335 pages, the question has 34 chapters and 341 pages, and The Concept has 33 chapters and 317 pages, plus a prologue and epilogue. I cant remember how long it took for me to read each book, but I am guessing about 1 1/2 weeks per book as a rough estimate. but, it might be shorter for other people because each book has footnotes which are optional to read, and I read them. So it depends on whether or not you read the footnotes. Well, that's all for now.

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