Saturday, March 10, 2012

Love's Enduring Promise

Love's Enduring Promise is the second book of the Love Comes Softly series, written by Janette Oke. This book tells of the beginnings of a very enjoyable and happy marriage between Marty and Clark Davis, as well as their kids, Missy and Clare. During the book 9 years passes by, and during that time they also have Arnie, Ellie and Luke, plus they adopt two older girls named Nandry and Clae. The book's main purpose I think is to show the growing Davis family and their love for the other people in their community. They endure hardships, but there are also many blessings that occur such as gaining a school and teacher, and a church and pastor. I found the story very enjoyable to read, just like the first, although this one took me five days to read rather than one. It is about the same size as the first, 33 chapters and 239 pages, but I just didn't have as much time for reading. Well, I know this is shorter than usual, but there isn't as much to say about a book when it is in a series. I hope to be finishing the Left Behind: the Kids series soon too, so stay tuned for that.

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