Sunday, March 25, 2012

Left Behind: the kids series

Left behind: the kids is a book series written by Jerry B. Jenkins, although the basis of the story is based on the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye. It is about the end times after the second return of Christ, and is the story of those left behind. The main characters are Judd Thompson Jr., Vicki Byrne, Lionel Washington, and Ryan Daley.
Judd Thompson Jr. is a teen who lives in a Christian family, but is very rebellious and is not a real Christian. When he recieves in the mail a credit card that is mistakenly regestered for Judd Thompson Jr. instead of Judd Thompson Sr., he decides this is his chance to get out. So he goes to the bank and withdraws a bunch of cash, then gets on a flight to London. during the flight 'the disapearances' happen, and the pilot turns around back to America.
Vicki Byrne is a girl who lives in a trailer park with her family, who have recently turned from drinking, smoking, and partying to Jesus, are desperately trying to get Vicki to turn from the same things. but one night, returning late from a party, Vicki sneaks into the house and goes to bed without getting seen. The next morning she finds her sister and her parents pajamas in their beds and relizes what happened.
Lionel Washington is a black kid who lives in a strong Christian home too, only everyone thinks he is just as much as a Christian as they are. The only one who knows his secret is his uncle Andre, who lives a secret life without faith as well. Lionel and his uncle are sleeping in the basement the night it happens, and when Lionel wakes up he imediatly knew what happened and is terrified that he missed it.
Ryan Daley is an only child who lives with his parents, and is neighbors with his best friend Raymie. None of Ryans family is a Christian, including Ryan, but Raymie and his mom are. At first when the disapearances happen Ryan has no idea. He is home alone while his mom is picking his dad up at the airport, and the only notice he has of something strange going on is that his mom wrote him a note saying that he might be scared of the stuff on TV. He finally finds out when he goes over to Raymie's house and finds his dad sobbing in the bedroom. He remembers what Raymie had said about the Rapture, and knows what happened. Jesus had taken the Christians.
Anyway, enough with the drama;). The four kids meet when they all find their way to New Hope Village Church and find a pastor who had never truly accepted Christ. The pastor, Bruce Barnes, shows them a video the senior pastor had made in case the Rapture would happen any time soon. They all believe the message, and then starts what is basically the whole basic subject for the rest of the series.
There are 40 books in the series, and each book has about 12 chapters in it and is about 150-200 pages long. It takes me about 10-15 minutes to read each chapter, so about 3 hours per book. Personally, it is probably my favorite book series; I have read it twice already. I am also planning on buying the audio verson on itunes, so I can have the series on my ipod:). I would say it is for ages 12+, since some parts can be violent and also certain parts a little later in the series needs a good atention span and a mind that doesn't get bored with 'sermons', since there are whole chapters in some cases that are just a letter or sermon by someone (I dont want to specify who in case there is anyone who might consider it 'giving away' the story line;)). Well, thats all for now. I really encourage you to read this series, whether you are a kid or not, because it is very enriching and it gives you a good idea about what the Tribulation might be like.

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