Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Love Comes Softly

Love Comes Softly, written by Janette Oke, is a novel placed in the 1800's and is the story of a 19-year-old girl named Marty who is going out west with her husband to start a farm. But suddenly, tragedy arrives when Marty's husband has an accident with his horse and dies. To make matters worse, the day of his burial, a strange man comes up and proposes marriage, just for convenience sake. He had a daughter who needed a mother and Marty didn't have any home except a covered wagon with a broken wheel, and to add to things it was late fall. He also said that if she didn't like it at all in the spring he would cover the expenses for her to travel with a wagon train back east, as long as she would take his daughter, Missie. So even though it disgusted her more than anything, she agreed, also because she was pregnant and there was no way she would survive the winter in a broken covered wagon with not a cent. Also the reason they had to do it that day was because the preacher was leaving that day and wasn't coming back until spring. Anyway, the book tells the story of their hardships and joys, and how she learns to love the man, who's name is Clark Davis. It also shows how she becomes a Christian through the influence of Clark, and how she grows in her faith and also learns how to be a good mother. The book is 32 chapters, and 237 pages. I read it in one day, just because it is a Saturday and everyone was gone today so I had a ton of free time. I would say it would be good for ages 12+, just because it is a love story  so for anyone younger it might be boring and 'gross'. I enjoyed it a lot, and am looking forward to reading the other 7 books in the series. We also own all the movies so I am hoping to watch them soon. Also, if you want to get it at the library, I actually found it at the public library, so you might be able to get it there even though it is a Christian book. But, it might just be because of the area I live in, but I just thought I should mention that. Anyway, that's all for now.
Sorry the picture is weird, but I am on a different computer than normal and this one doesn't have a camera, so I had to get a picture from online. Also I couldn't find one of the inside, but I will be reviewing the rest of the series, and they all look the same on the inside.